The Documentation shown below will always be for the latest version of the Cosmo API Addon.
Replace example.com
with your server's IP or FQDN.
User Information
Get information about a user.
Retrieve information about any user.
This endpoint can be used by the specific user's API Key or the Admin Key.
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
id* | String | Either a Discord ID or a Minecraft UUID to fetch information on. |
Example Response:
Get a user's transactions.
Retrieve a list of a user's transactions and items bought using the shop.
This endpoint can be used by the Admin Key only.
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
id* | String | Either a Discord ID or a Minecraft UUID to fetch information on. |
Get all linked accounts and UUID's.
Retrieve an array of all the linked accounts and which Minecraft UUID it is linked to.
This endpoint can be used by the Admin Key only.
Account Linking
Link a Minecraft Account to a Discord Account.
Bind a Minecraft account to a Discord Account by listing the two IDs.
This endpoint can be used by the Admin Key only.
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
discordid* | String | The user's Discord ID that you wish to link. |
minecraft_username* | String | The Minecraft Username that you wish to link. |
Unlink a Minecraft Account from a Discord Account.
Unlink a Discord Account from a Minecraft Account or vice-versa.
This endpoint can be used by the Admin Key only.
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
id* | String | Either a Discord ID or a Minecraft UUID to unlink. |
Cosmetic Information
List all cosmetics.
Retrieve a list of all the cosmetics the bot has. This is not an endpoint for the shop (which shows buyable cosmetics).
This endpoint can be used by any user API Key or the Admin Key.
List all buyable cosmetics from the shop.
Retries a list of all the cosmetics in the shop.
This endpoint can be used by any user API Key or the Admin Key.
put example here
Modifying Cosmetics
Create a cosmetic.
Create/upload a cosmetic or cloak to Cosmo. There is no error handling for incorrect image and file URLs.
This endpoint can be used by the Admin Key only.
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
name* | String | The display name for the cosmetic. |
type* | String | The type of cosmetic. Accepted types: cloak, wings, pet, hat, bodywear, bandana, mask, shoes, glasses. |
description* | String | The description for the cosmetic. |
categoryid* | String | The category ID for the cosmetic to be in. |
cost* | String | The cost of the cosmetic, given as an integer. The value type is parsed as a string, then converted to an integer. To make the cosmetic unavailable for purchase, set this to "0". |
showcase_image_url* | String | A direct image URL to the showcase image of the cosmetic. Suggested formats: .png, .jpeg, .jpg |
model_source_url* | String | A direct URL to the CFG of the cosmetic model. Not required for "cloak" type cosmetics. Required format: .cfg |
texture_source_url* | String | A direct image URL to the texture of the cosmetic. Required format: .png |
put response here
Edit a cosmetic
Edit a cosmetic's details.
Apart from "original_name" all other values are optional, but one must be chosen to actually edit. You can edit any amount of values with one request.
This endpoint can be used by the Admin Key only.
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
original_name* | String | The original name of the cosmetic you wish to edit |
name | String | The new display name for the cosmetic. |
type | String | The new type for the cosmetic. Accepted types: wings, pet, hat, bodywear, bandana, mask, shoes, glasses. Cloak types cannot be changed. |
description | String | The new description for the cosmetic. |
categoryid | String | The new category ID for the cosmetic to be in. |
cost | String | The new cost of the cosmetic, given as an integer. The value type is parsed as a string, then converted to an integer. |
showcase_image_url | String | The new direct image URL to the showcase image of the cosmetic. |
model_source_url | String | The new direct URL to the CFG of the cosmetic model. Not required for "cloak" type cosmetics. |
texture_source_url | String | The new direct image URL to the texture of the cosmetic. |
Delete a cosmetic.
Delete a cosmetic from the bot.
This endpoint can be used by the Admin Key only.
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
cosmetic* | String | The cosmetic's name for the one that you would like to delete. |
Cosmetic Ownership
Purchase a cosmetic.
Purchase a cosmetic from the shop.
This endpoint can be used by the specific user's API Key or the Admin Key.
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
id* | String | Either a Discord ID or a Minecraft UUID to buy the cosmetic on. If this request is being issued from a user key, the ID MUST reflect their account. |
cosmeticid* | String | The ID of the cosmetic they wish to purchase. |
ex resp
Grant a cosmetic.
Force grant a cosmetic to a user.
This endpoint can be used by the Admin Key only.
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
id* | String | Either a Discord ID or a Minecraft UUID to grant the cosmetic to. |
cosmeticid* | String | The ID of the cosmetic to grant. |
Revoke a cosmetic.
Force remove a cosmetic from a user.
This endpoint can be used by the Admin Key only.
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
id* | String | Either a Discord ID or a Minecraft UUID to grant the cosmetic to. |
cosmeticid* | String | The ID of the cosmetic to grant. |
Equip a cosmetic.
Equip a cosmetic for a user, or on your own account.
This endpoint can be used by the specific user's API Key or the Admin Key.
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
id* | String | Either a Discord ID or a Minecraft UUID to equip the cosmetic on. If this request is being issued from a user key, the ID MUST reflect their account. |
cosmetictype* | String | The type of cosmetic to equip. Accepted types: cloak, wings, pet, hat, bodywear, bandana, mask, shoes, glasses. |
cosmeticid* | String | The cosmetic ID to equip. |
Unequip a cosmetic.
Unequip a cosmetic for a user, or on your own account.
This endpoint can be used by the specific user's API Key or the Admin Key.
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
id* | String | Either a Discord ID or a Minecraft UUID to unequip the cosmetic from. If this request is being issued from a user key, the ID MUST reflect their account. |
cosmetictype* | String | The type of cosmetic to unequip. Accepted types: cloak, wings, pet, hat, bodywear, bandana, mask, shoes, glasses. |
Category Information
List all categories.
Retrieve a list of all cosmetic categories with their name & ID.
This endpoint can be used by any user API Key or the Admin Key.
Modifying Categories
Create a new category.
Create a new category in the bot.
This endpoint can be used by the Admin Key only.
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
name* | String | The display name for the new category. |
Rename a category.
Update a category name.
This endpoint can be used by the Admin Key only.
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
old_name* | String | The old name of the category. |
new_name* | String | The new name for the category. |
Returns the new data for the category.
Delete a category.
Delete a category from the bot.
This endpoint can be used by the Admin Key only.
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
category_id* | String | The ID of the category to delete. |
Example response
Fetching Credits
The user's credits can be fetched using the /users/info
Modifying Credits
Modify a user's credit amount.
Adjust a user's credit amount by a certain amount.
This endpoint can be used by the Admin Key only.
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
id* | String | Either a Discord ID or a Minecraft UUID to fetch information on. |
amount* | String | Amount to modify the credits by. Example: "-5", "60", "-100" |
Set a user's credit amount.
Update a user's credit amount by defining a new amount. If you wish to add or remove credits from a user, you should use the "modify" endpoint.
This endpoint can be used by the Admin Key only.
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
id* | String | Either a Discord ID or a Minecraft UUID to fetch information on. |
new_amount* | String | A number giving the new amount of credits for the user. |
Coupon Information
List all coupon codes.
Retrieve a list of every coupon code in the bot. Active or inactive.
This endpoint can be used by the Admin Key only.
Example response
Modifying Coupons
Create a coupon code.
Create a coupon code to add to the bot.
One of the "credit_grant" and "cosmetic_grant" parameters is required, or both can be used. The request will fail if none is provided.
This endpoint can be used by the Admin Key only.
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
code* | String | The name / code for the coupon code. |
active | Boolean | Set to False to set the coupon to not be active (can't be used). If not specified or the input is incorrect, the coupon will be active. |
uses | Integer | Amount of uses the coupon should have. If not specified or the input is incorrect, the coupon will have unlimited uses |
expires | Integer | A unix timestamp for when the coupon should expire. If not specified or the input is incorrect, the coupon will have no expiry. |
day_limit | Integer | The maximum amount of days a user can be in the server to redeem the coupon code. If not specified or the input is incorrect, the coupon will not have a day limit. |
credit_grant | Integer | The amount of credits to grant to the user apon redemption. If not specified or the input is incorrect, the coupon will not grant any credits. |
cosmetic_grant | String | The cosmetic's ID to grant to the user apon redemption. If not specified or the input is incorrect, the coupon will not grant any cosmetics. |
Update a coupon code.
Edit a coupon code's details.
Apart from "original_name", all other values are optional, but one must be chosen to actually edit. You can edit any amount of values with one request.
This endpoint can be used by the Admin Key only.
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
original_code* | String | The original name of the coupon you wish to edit |
code | String | The new name / code for the coupon code. |
active | String | Set to False to set the coupon to not be active (can't be used). If not specified or the input is incorrect, the coupon will be active. |
uses | String | The new amount of uses the coupon should have. If not specified or the input is incorrect, the coupon will have unlimited uses |
expires | String | The new unix timestamp for when the coupon should expire. If not specified or the input is incorrect, the coupon will have no expiry. |
day_limit | String | The new maximum amount of days a user can be in the server to redeem the coupon code. If not specified or the input is incorrect, the coupon will not have a day limit. |
credit_grant | String | The new amount of credits to grant to the user apon redemption. If not specified or the input is incorrect, the coupon will not grant any credits. |
cosmetic_grant | String | The new cosmetic ID to grant to the user apon redemption. If not specified or the input is incorrect, the coupon will not grant any cosmetics. |
Delete a coupon code.
Delete a coupon code from the bot. You should usually deactivate a coupon code if you'd rather it wasn't used anymore so that the coupon's history is saved.
This endpoint can be used by the Admin Key only.
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
code* | String | The coupon code / name to delete |
Redeeming Coupons
Redeem a coupon code.
Redeem a coupon code on a user's account.
If a code has a dayLimit set, it cannot be redeemed via the API because it cannot check if the user fits or doesn't fit into that category.
This endpoint can be used by the specific user's API Key or the Admin Key.
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
id* | String | Either a Discord ID or a Minecraft UUID to equip the cosmetic on. If this request is being issued from a user key, the ID MUST reflect their account. |
code* | String | The code to redeem |
Creator Codes
Code Information
List all creator codes.
Retrieve a list of every creator code in the bot.
This endpoint can be used by the Admin Key only.
Check if a user is supporting.
Check if a user is supporting a certain creator.
This endpoint can be used by any user's API Key or the Admin Key.
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
id* | String | Either a Discord ID or a Minecraft UUID to check for. |
creator_code* | String | The creator code to check if the user is supporting. |
Modifying Codes
Create a creator code.
Create a coupon code to add to the bot. WARNING: There is no validation for the Discord ID being correct. Make sure that whatever you code has validation.
This endpoint can be used by the Admin Key only.
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
code* | String | The code to use as the creator code. |
assigned_user* | String | The DISCORD ID to assign this code to. They will get the designated percentage of the credits. |
Update a creator code.
Update a creator code's name or assigned user. WARNING: There is no validation for the Discord ID being correct. Make sure that whatever you code has validation.
This endpoint can be used by the Admin Key only.
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
original_code* | String | The code's name to edit. |
new_code | String | The new code's name. |
new_owner | String | The NEW DISCORD ID to assign this code to. They will now get the designated percentage of the credits. |
Delete a creator code.
Delete a creator code from the bot.
This endpoint can be used by the Admin Key only.
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
code* | String | The code name to delete |
Setting Codes
Set a creator code.
Set a creator code on a user's account. Any purchases that the user makes will then give a percentage (set in the config) of funds to the code's owner.
This endpoint can be used by the specific user's API Key or the Admin Key.
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
code* | String | The code to set. Set to "0" to remove a code from an account. |
id* | String | Either a Discord ID or a Minecraft UUID to equip the cosmetic on. If this request is being issued from a user key, the ID MUST reflect their account. |
Last updated